I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of improbable dreams.
Teddi is a front end web designer from Southwestern Michigan. Web design is one of her great loves. She has been developing websites for over ten years. Currently, she works for the distance education program a local school, working with Moodle. The Bidwell Company is a joint freelance endeavor between she and her husband, Lathan. They work on web development and photography together.
Along with web design and photography, Teddi works on computer graphics. She also writes and works on crafts.
Currently, her main projects are working on new themes for Moodle, writing The Green Door and Hera: Sisters of Fortune, and working on episodes for the radio shows Quantifiably Certifiable and Life with Thalia for Quantum Dreams Productions.
You can find her blog on this site. She has a second blog, where she writes as her cat, Ziva.
She loves Doctor Who, Star Trek, most Disney and Pixar movies, and nearly anything with Hugh Jackman in it. Fuller House and Girl Meets World are good for nostalgic adults as well as their kids, don't let anyone tell you otherwise; they don't know what they are talking about. And, if you haven't heard of Restless Heart, you should look them up.
The best way to reach Teddi is through her email, crazedskylark@gmail.com. See the links at the bottom of the page for other ways to contact her.